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Services provided by LHBD
check ups and Personalized services

The EEG activity of each person is a
signature of the individual, but a signature that varies greatly from day to
day. It is therefore difficult to evaluate the state of an individual from a single
EEG measurement, unless something very special and usually pathological is
present. This variability in the electrical activity in the brain was at
the centre of the research we have carried out over the last three decades in
top laboratories in the UK, Germany and Japan with some of the most advanced
(and expensive) instrumentation available today. The results from this
research was the foundation on which new work in the last 10 years in
Cyprus allowed us to develop ways of individual monitoring. Using a
collection of measurements and/or specialized combinations of behavioural and
EEG measurements we are able to disentangle warning signs of future problems or
signs of extraordinary ability in children from the expected variation in the
EEG (over time for the same individual and across subjects) We are using this
capability to offer two kinds of specialized and personalized services:
check ups
We offer standard behavioural and
EEG measurements at regular intervals (either every 6 months or every year or
every two years). These measurements are minimally analyzed (to reduce
cost) to provide a report of the general state of an individual, and as time
goes by of the changes in the state. The advantage of this approach is
twofold. First, if trends that are observed that are worrying but mild,
advice can be given about life style changes and exercise that can delay
problems becoming severe. Second, a targeted analysis of the entire
collection of data can be initiated to provide more comprehensive image and
direct the person to the appropriate clinical examination(s).
We offer complete set of behavioural and EEG measurements designed to identify problems and special abilities. Unlike other tests that provide a symptom-based description of the individual, our measurements are designed to provide measures of the basic mechanisms on which behaviour is eventually constructed and how well an individual performs in sport, music, learning specific skills and in general in social communication, emotion control, and in everyday situations. This personalized services are particularly useful for young children as they can provide valuable insights about a child's basic brain mechanisms and allow parents and teachers to monitor the progress of any intervention aiming to improve specific skills and abilities.
We can help YOU stop smoking!
We specialize on smoking cessation using the painless non-invasive neurofeedback procedure, which we have used in an EU sponsored program SmokeFreeBrain that has just been completed.
Supporting EEG and MEG experiments and data analysis in other
discussions for EEG and/or MEG research
EEG and particularly MEG offer a
unique and powerful view of brain function. However, it is not always easy to
extract the relevant information from the data. It is therefore critical to
formulate clearly the goals of the research and what exactly is expected from
new EEG and/or MEG measurements. These requirements will determine the optimal
experimental protocol and the appropriate data analysis. Our team can offer
independent expert advice on the suitability of EEG and/or MEG measurements for
addressing a given research or clinical question, and guidance on how an
experiment can be performed, and what is the best course of the collected data
and/or MEG measurements and analysis
EEG and MEG are
"unforgiving" technologies. The quality of the results is usually
defined by the weakest part of the design and measurement procedure. Even if
perfect measurements are recorded, extracting the relevant information from the
data often requires complex and computationally intensive computations. Our
team can design or assist in the design of experimental protocols, perform or
assist in performing the EEG and/or MEG measurements, and analyze and interpret
the data. This assistance can be realized either in the form of collaboration
or the provision of services.
up and training of MEG teams
Members of our team have long
experience in setting up new MEG facilities and analysis teams. Our team can
therefore offer expert, independent consulting services for setting up new MEG
laboratories, MEG and EEG measurements and analysis and related training of
clinical studies
and evaluation of clinical protocols
Clinical protocols for EEG and MEG
measurements are difficult to establish because the information that can be
extracted from recordings depends critically on the hardware capabilities, the
quality of the recordings and data processing. Our team can provide guidance
about the capabilities of a given hardware, optimization of the recordings and
assistance with the standardization of the analysis steps. Our team can then
work together with clinicians to establish protocols for specific clinical applications.
of MEG and EEG data collected at clinical sites
Our specialized software for
tomographic estimates of brain activity is available for the analysis of EEG
and MEG data collected at customer's laboratories. Analysis of group data
and statistical comparisons between groups are available as well as analysis
between conditions for the same individual with group statistics as a second
level of analysis.
of behavioural and EEG data at our premises
Behavioural and EEG (including
afternoon sleep) measurements are available at our premises using standard
evoked and resting state protocols and highly specialized and sophisticated
designs (usually used for our research). We are happy to work with clinicians
to develop personalized designs for individual patients.
The PANDIAS service: early diagnosis, early intervention at a very affordable price for early identification of children with special learning needs and/or special abilities.
- For
pre-school and first two years of elementary school
- Individual
- Mass
screening for schools
PANDIAS is the name of the final project in a series of
studies that helped us develop a novel series of tools for early diagnosis of
early learning and behaviour problems. Current practice defines dyslexia as a
condition where linguistic ability is two years behind general intelligence
without any obvious environmental reasons (e.g. inadequate school training),
illness or trauma etc. It is obvious that with such definition dyslexia cannot
be diagnosed before the third or fourth year of school, since the linguistic
abilities (especially reading and writing) are usually developed in the first
and second year of the elementary school. It is the belief of many specialists
that remedial work must begin early if a child is not to be left far behind in
school, but clearly if we adopt the above definition it is not possible to
identify the condition early enough for intervention to begin on time. Recent
scientific evidence however suggests that dyslexia is correlated with basic
neural processes independent of language. The tools we developed are designed
to test for such correlates of neural activity and hence help us identify
children at risk of dyslexia before the age linguistic skills become
established in most children. It will then be possible for remedial help to be
applied early and have a chance to improve linguistic skills within the
critical first years of elementary school. In this way children can be on board
as the train departs for the exciting language trip of the school education,
i.e. by year 3 of elementary school, rather than continue for the rest of their
school life to try to catch up with a target that continuously moves away
faster than they can run. We have developed a dedicated new device for testing
pupils individually but together in a classroom setting. The new device
provides accuracy and reaction time for pupils’ responses and can in principle
complete the test for a class in one or at most two normal periods, depending
on how many devices are available. The final selection of tests to be employed
was made after the early promising results were augmented by new measurements
and follow up evaluations of the children who participated in the original
ΑΒΓΔ-Π project. The PANDIAS services include the group testing with the new
devices and/or individual examinations using the same tests but on specially
design set up using a personal computer and dedicated system for accurate
measurements of the response time. Both tests can be given either at our
premises or at schools or other customers’ premises.
Testing at our premises:
testing or Group testing (minimum of 4 children). The cost for the examination
per child is 300 Euros for tests of 1 to 3 children and 250 Euro per child for
4 or more children.
Testing at school/customer's premises:
Group testing (minimum of 4
children). The cost for the examination is 300 Euros per child (minimum 4
children). The cost for 10 to 20 children is reduced to 260 Euros per child.
For more than 20 children the cost is reduced to 250 Euros per child.
Add-on services:
For children identified to be at
risk for encountering problems in school either because of dyslexia or other
conditions individually designed neurofeedback interventions are also provided.
Repeated testing is provided either as part of our neurofeedback interventions
or as an independent evaluation of interventions provided by others. The cost
of repeat tests is substantially reduced (between 40 and 70% of the original
cost) depending on the number and other parameters.
EEG examination:
An optional EEG examination is
also available as part of the services that can be particularly useful as an
independent index of the brain development and the efficacy of individual
interventions. The cost of the EEG session ranges from 150 to 450 Euros
depending on the mixture of standardized tests that are included for each case.
Attractive combined packages of PANDIAS and EEG testing are available.