Educational course

Magic Fish and Child Development

The Magic Fish is live teaching material for science, and helps children to develop their social and scientific skills. 

During the process of hatching, it helps the child:

  • Understand the embryo evolution process and life origin.

  • Bring the sense of achievement.

During the process of breeding, it raises the child’s:

  • Sense of responsibility.

  • Self-respect and self-confident.

Educational course for Children

If you are interested in the remarkable science behind the magic fish and/or want your child to experience and learn the nuts and bolts of Science - how to measure and record the results, formulate proper scientific questions and address them using recorded data, study or improve experimental skills and scientific writing, we strongly encourage you to sign up for our course. 

The course includes:

  • Four weekly lectures where you can:

    • Learn the science behind the magic fish.

    • Become a junior scientist and learn how to take measurements, use the results and formulate and address scientific questions!

    • Improve your observation and your writing skills.

    • Reap the rewards of patient work and attention to details and appreciate the product of love for life!

  • Complimentary Magic Fish box for home science.

  • Optional daily access - feeding and observing your Magic Fish and recording the data in our premises in Nicosia.

Training Course for Teachers

We provide training courses to teachers who would use Magic Fish as teaching materials for:

  1. Improving children’s knowledge and skills.

  2. Children following procedures and mastering methods.

  3. Improving children’s emotion intelligence.

A note for teachers >>