Magic Fish boxStagesNothobranchius Korthausae Red

Magic Fish is ...

  • Incredible educational toy

    A live magical toy, guiding children to hatch and breed baby fish into colorful adult fish. The experience improves children's observation, trains their skills of using simple scientific tools and teaches them how frail and precious life is thus promoting the appreciation and value of living things.

  • Biological science kit

    A unique way to learn biological science, easy operation, good hatch rate, regarded as the students’ perfect laboratorial regalia.

  • Fun experience

    Fast and easy process of hatching brings children magic and fun experience.

  • Great gratification

    Watching the Magic Fish grow from baby to gorgeous ornamental fishes. This experience is a wonderful way to cultivate children's love for animals.

  • Multi-functional gift

    An ideal way of sharing the gift of life with loved ones of all ages! Best gift for Lovers, Friends, Children, Lab, Office and etc. 

  • Fashionable pet

    Cute colorful Killifish matched with fantastic small aquarium becomes the best decoration in your office or home.

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